Digital Marketing

Term “digital marketing” implicates

A Marketing component in which marketing of a business is done through to the internet and online based digital Technologies. Digital marketing uses desktop laptop mobile and social media platforms for the promotion of any product or service.

Now a days people are increasingly using their digital devices instead of physically going somewhere to buy any product or services. This is the main reason why digital marketing is getting Heights in today’s world. Digital marketing itself include so many different kinds of marketing like internet marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), email marketing and so much more. The non internet elements are also used in digital marketing, elements like TV, radio, phone call, text message etc.

Brand awareness as a Objective of digital marketing 

One of the primary objective of modern digital marketing is raising the brand awareness to the
extent at which people recognise it as a brand. Brand awareness is one of key factors in both ,
whether its digital marketing or its marketing in general. It is the prerequisite of consumer
decision to invest in your product.

Now a days, increasing brand awareness is a focus point in digital marketing as it helps

• In increase your online customers, as now a days mostly online sites are used for buying
and comparing of products and services.

• Digital interaction plays an important role in consumer behaviour.

• Brand awareness plays an important role in influencing online consumer decision

• According to a recent report there are 3.4 billion active users on social media therefore
social media is a very important platform for your product or service. As social media is
very convenient to use to influence people.

Focused points of digital marketing

• The very first strategy of digital is segmentation it is the process in which Pacific market is
targeted for the provided service or product

• Secondly the most used strategy nowadays is influencer marketing. This type of marketing,
social media allows brand to take advantage through influencers. You can reach influencers for your products advertising such as Facebook advertising or Google AdWords and so many others.

• The other one is online behavioural advertising in this type of advertising the information is
collected about users online activity on a particular device. After collecting the information as per the users requirement advertisements are shown through online websites and other

• Remarketing, major role is played by remarketing in digital marketing. Marketers publish targeted ads in front of interest category or a definite audience.

•Game advertising, these are advertisements that already exist within computer or video game. One of the most common example of in-game advertising is the billboards that appear in sport games.


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